Pronation is the term medical professionals use to describe the flattening of the foot that occurs when you stand or walk.
Whilst some pronation is a good thing, for many of us this pronation is excessive, meaning our feet flatten too much when we stand or walk on hard flat surfaces.

Our feet are deigned to walk on soft adaptive surfaces like sand or grass which compact under our feet and support them, leaving a foot print. This is why it feels so amazingly natural when we walk barefoot on soft sand.
Unfortunately, when we walk on hard surfaces the ground does not compact and adapt to the foot, instead the foot flattens as it adapts to the ground.
This flattening of the foot is what medical professionals call excessive pronation. That is, the amount of pronation goes from the necessary amount of pronation to an excessive amount.
This excessive pronation stretches the muscles, ligaments and tendons in your feet and legs and increases the stress placed on the bones and joints in your feet, ankles and knees and lower back.
Excessive pronation also changes the way your body moves when you walk or run.

This is why excessive pronation is associated with many common conditions such as:
- Tired aching feet or legs
- Plantar fasciitis
- Ball of foot pain, which is called Metatarsalgia or Morton’s Neuroma
- Bunions
- Achilles tendonitis
- Shin splints
- Knee pain
- Low back pain.
Pedistep orthotics are contoured insoles, called orthotics, which are worn in your shoe to support your feet. The Pedistep orthotics allow for normal pronation, but limits excessive pronation.
The Pedistep orthotics are designed so that the contours of the orthotic support the arches of your feet – just like soft sand or grass does when you walk barefoot.
In short, Pedistep orthotics give you back your natural footprint and promote a more natural movement of your feet when you walk or run. This reduces the stress placed on the muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones and joints of your feet, legs and lower back.
By reducing the stress placed on your feet and lower limbs, the Pedistep orthotics work to treat the underlying cause of many common painful conditions.