Low back pain is a common condition that has a variety of causes. The back is a complex network of bones (vertebra), cartilage (disks), nerves (the spinal cord), ligaments and muscles that all work together to support our bodyweight whilst allowing for movement.
Excessive pronation is a known contributing factor in the onset of back pain, especially when there is no history or memory of an acute injury such as a slip and fall or lifting injury.
Excessive pronation flattens the foot and internally rotates the lower leg (tibia) this also causes a rotation of the upper leg (femur). When this occurs on both feet, the internal rotation of the lower and upper legs causes the pelvis to tilt forward. Medical professionals call this anterior pelvic tilt.

When the pelvis tilts forward it alters the normal alignment of the back and spine and changes the normal alignment of the vertebra and the disks that sit in between. This increases the stress on the disks, the ligaments and the vertebra and result in pain and inflammation.
Medical professionals refer to this misalignment as increased lumbar lordosis, which simply means the natural curve in your lower back increases.
If the condition is not treated and the correct posture restored the changes can become permanent, and over time arthritic.
Pedistep orthotics are used to limit the excessive pronation, support the feet and limit the internal rotation of the lower and upper leg to promote a better more natural posture.